Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Keep the Number Growing

High Trust Sales Team of Professionals is at it again. 

I am running out of adjectives for this group, that I am proud to be a part of.  Our meetings just seem to keep growing and are filled with information. Where do I start...

Well let's start here... Our Growth and Retention (Kim and Dan A.) team put together a visual 10 Ten Most Wanted.  As of yesterday it has become the Top 9. Let's welcome Don Stukes, CMC of BAS Consulting! Don makes us 31 members strong and growing. Catch him on linkedin. Contact Don and schedule 1-2-1's so that we can get him up and running with referrals and "triggers" about our own business.  Our G & R team want you to remember to be ACCOUNTABLE. Work within your accountability teams. G & R teams challenged us to do something in our sales manager minutes...

"As He Was Walking Down the Street..." That should be music to your ears. Our own David Givot (Education Coordinator) is going to keep reminding us of "triggers". We should be listening for these "triggers" during our conversations.  Have you noticed the referral basket?  We are filling it up and this is because we are "trigger" happy. Let's keep the river of referrals flowing and keep "listening for these "triggers".  David challenged us to do something in our sales manager minutes... Do you remember what?

Visitor hosts... are you busy enough yet? We had 5 visitors. All either spoke with me or emailed and stated that were overwhelmed! Overwhelmed by our greetings. Surprised by our follow up. Genuinely surprised by our support for one another.  We are not surprised as this is how WE ROLL! "Triggers" for visitors are easy to hear. "I want to grow my business because...." Let keep showing them the High Trust brand of growth.

Speaking of growth.... HIGH TRUST IS ROCKING! Dan, our VP, mentioned our 70,000 + in "Thank You For Closed Business"... But I have a new stat for you.... Yesterday this team thanked each other for Closed Business (you should hear the lyrics in your head now "Money Money ...M-O-N-E-Y) $33,454 times!  Now that should be worth posting. Tell everyone that this is the team to be on!

Speaking of Money.... Have I introduced you to Cindy (Enrolled Agent)  Szerlip our keynote speaker. She has an interesting background which includes music (I am serious). She gave a great presentation on something that could be dull... TAXES. Cindy not only made it incredibly interesting, but also made told us what type of clients she likes. Do not get this confused, she likes all of her clients, but some are favorites. Musicians and Entertainment business she has a special place in her business heart.  I know she works with PTA's and family trusts... just to name a few. So listen for "triggers" for Cindy. There were a lot of questions left unanswered so I know there will be some 1-2-1's with Cindy.

Let me give a quick "Kudo's" to our past LT & ST teams. All of this success would not be possible without your efforts. This is your wave, and I am glad to be caught up in it.


  1. Great letter! I am envious. Gives me something to strive for...

  2. Here we go... where we stop... oh wait, we are never going to stop.
